The power of words is so strong that it can be used to persuade people to change their view of life or even do something that they never thought they would do. For instance, Hitler was able to convince a large number of people. Hitler was so smart in his use of words that he was able to change their values and beliefs to likeness of his own. What was the outcome? Many Jews has been killed during his time. The thing is we are so blind to the fact that even words we say that seem unimportant to us can be important for others. For this reason, most of us fail to use words to our advantage.
Words can also define who a person really is. According to a Bible passage, Matthew 15:18, "But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person." This passage points out that words can be the source of our true selves. Words may even reveal the evil within ourselves. I have seen this happened firsthand. There was a time when I was so angry and frustrated at "everything" (I am being subtle about this) to the point that I threw my parents very hurtful foul words that I never thought I would say.
Words can be described as a weapon. It is neither good nor bad, but it can be used to do good and bad things. We should wake up to the fact that words can leave a big impact in the lives of many. Our lives can even depend on our choice of words. The question is: Will you use them to your advantage or for your misfortune?